Hello Everyone,
After a beauty trip and a short break of handicraft I am full of with ideas and inspiration. I still keep my chocolate/cacao/ice-cream/cake diet (I had only few digestive or basic biscuits only in emergency :-) But I am having heavy times, I saw a dream eating chocolate in secret. It is getting so serious now.
Okey, lets go back to crocheting, I have made this simple and lovely hat and scarf for my daughter. The idea came that she should wear something else than pink, purple or white, probably almost every mother who has daughter agrees with me in that. So I found this lovely shiny light blue yarn at a local store on sales and made these lovely accessories.
I think a cute crochet scarf might be one of my favorite things to crochet.
Moi kaikille,
Pieni tauko käsitöistä on antanut minulle paljon uusia ideoita ja inspiraatiota. Suklaa-/jäätelö-/kakkulakkoni jatkuu vieläkin (olen syönyt vain muutaman digestiven hätätilanteessa :-), mutta lakon pitäminen on raskasta, näin jopa unen suklaan syömisestä salassa. Näyttää kääntyvän vakavaksi.
Ok, takaisin virkkaukseen, tein tämän mukavan, yksinkertaisen lakin ja huivin tyttärelleni. Alkuperäinen idea tuli tarpeesta pukea tytölle myös muuta kuin vaaleanpunaista, purppuraa tai valkoista. Luulen, että monen tyttären äiti on samaa mieltä tästä. Löysin ihastuttavan kiiltävän vaaleansinisen paikallisesta kaupasta, joten päätin tehdä nämä asusteet.
Luulen, että yksi virkkaussuosikeistani on juuri virkattu huivi.
These are great starter projects too – using only basic stitches like chains and single crochet – they would be perfect for a beginner project.
Nämä on hyviä harjoituksia aloittelijoille myös - niissä käytetään vain peruspistoja kuten ketju- ja kiinteäsilmukka.
Pattern of the scarf:
Approx. 55 cm*46 cm
- Size 8 crochet hook
- 100 g acrylic/wool yarn
(In my case Novita yarn )
Chain 56, join to circle.
Single crochet to every chain.
I made 26 finished round for the scarf.

Hat pattern:
- Size 8 crochet hook
- 85 g acrylic/wool yarn
(In my case Novita yarn )
Magic ring, chain 1, 9 sc in the ring, join, chain 1
round 2: 2 sc into each st around, join, chain 1 (18 sc)
round 3: 2 sc into first stich, sc in next, repeat around, chain 1 (27 sc)
round 4: 2 sc into first stich, sc in next two, repeat around, chain 1 (36 sc)
round 5: 2 sc into first stich, sc in next three, repeat around, chain 1 (45 sc)
round 6: 2 sc into first stich, sc in next four, repeat around, chain 1 (54 sc)
round 7: 2 sc into first stich, sc in next five, repeat around, chain 1 (60 sc)
round 8-18: sc in each stich around, join.
Chain 1, sc in the next 7, chain 1, turn
Chain 1, sc in the next 7, chain 1, turn
Chain 1, decrease, sc in the next 4, decrease, turn
Chain 1, decrease, decrease, fasten off, weave in ends.
Make the same earflap at the other side as well.
Attach the yarn again at one earflap, sc around. Fasten off and weave in ends.
To the earflaps attach yarn, chain as long as it is comfortable, in my case 45 chain.
Finally fix pom pom if needed.
I used the leftover yarn to crochet a lovely crown.
Jäljelläolevasta langasta virkkasin ihastuttavan kruunun.
Pattern of the crown:
Chain 54, join to circle.
round 2: sc to every stich, join, chain 1 (54)
round 3: dc, chain, dc to second sc, repeat around, join, chain 1 (54)
round 4: sc around (54)
round 5: chain 2, dc to the same stitch, 1 chain, 2 dc still to the same stich (so again: 2 dc, 1 chain, 2 dc to ONE stich), skip one st half double stitch, skip one, repeat around.
If you are interested in the pattern in finnish, please contact me.
Feel free to use my patterns, but in that case do not forget to link my blog site or my pattern.
Jos tarvitset ohjeita suomeksi, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä minuun.
Voit vapaasti käyttää ohjeitani, mutta muistathan linkata bloggini tai ohjeeni.
Thank you for your visit!
Have a lovely day.
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